How does a sanitizer fog Machine Works

June 09, 2025 TOTOODO

A Fog Machine (or) a Disinfectant Sanitizing Machine (or) an Antibacterial Machine is a device, which emits a Sanitizer liquid in the form of vapor, which is similar to fog. This Fog Machine breaks the sanitize liquid into very fine particles and gets heated up in the machine and suspended in the air for a long time.

Operating this machine is very simple that you just have to mix the Disinfectant chemical with water in the appropriate portions as suggested and fill it in the machine. When the machine is switched on the disinfectant liquid in the machine gets heated and released in the form of vapor, which traps the germs and viruses and kill them instantly. This portable "Sanitizing Machine"  can be used in rooms of all sizes or in bigger spaces like offices, Hospitals that helps to sanitize your space. The process just takes a few minutes and reaches every part of the room in all areas and to even hidden surfaces.

Warning : Don't at all use Alcohol based sanitizer in this fog Machine.

This Fog Machine is now available at all TOTOODO Stores across Bangalore.

How to place your order:

You can call to this no: 7026604425 (or) you can email to: about your requirement.