watchOS 7 is a huge update that brings a number of notable health, fitness, and style features to the Apple Watch. First up, there's a new Face Sharing feature to share your watch faces and install watch faces shared by other people, in apps, in Messages, on websites, and more. Apple introduced a new Chronograph Pro watch face with a tachymeter, options to add complications to the X-Large Apple Watch face, and color filters for the Photos watch face. Apps can now offer multiple complications, so you can better customize your Apple Watch to your needs.
WatchOS 7 includes a new Sleep app that offers sleep tracking capabilities, providing sleep analysis in an easy-to-read chart. The Apple Watch uses the accelerometer to detect subtle movements associated with breathing, so it knows if you're asleep or awake. When it's time to wake up, the Apple Watch can play soft sounds or wake you with haptic vibrations, and it provides a weather report and battery level so you can get your morning started. You'll get a reminder to charge when the battery is low, and a reminder when charging is finished to minimize time without your watch.
Apple renamed the Activity app, and it's now known as Fitness. To go along with the new name, there's an updated interface and new workouts that include Dance, Functional Strength Training, Core Training, and Cooldown.
Siri provides spoken translations and can translate into 10 languages. All dictation is now done on-device, making it faster and more reliable. Siri Shortcuts can be accessed on the Apple Watch and added as complications.
WatchOS 7 is only compatible with the Apple Watch Series 3, Series 4, and Series 5 models, along with future Apple Watch models. It cannot be installed on the Apple Watch 1st generation, Series 1, and Series 2 devices.
watchOS 7 Features:
Watch Faces:
watchOS 7 has added a new Chronograph Pro Face with a tachymeter and can customize according to the room. The new another feature of X-Large gives rich complications. Color filters to your photos help you to choose an appropriate color to your photos and can see compilations.
The best advantage in Watch Faces is that, if one of your friend wants your layout which you have created you can share it to them through Link (online) or by texting a Message or you can even email them..
You can create ultimate faces for everything you want. A single application can offer you with may complications like water temperature, speed, size and more from a single app. All are possible with just a sing tap Shortcuts.
Sleep App:
A major update in watchOS is sleep tracking and finally that is reality in Apple Watch now. It offers with a Holistic approach to sleep hygiene including the features to build a healthy pre-bedtime routine. Machine learning on watchOS 7 allows to monitor your sleep time through Apple Watch using the accelerometer. Sleep App works with featurs of iOS 14 to reduce distractions and helps us personalize night routine.
Apple users now can see visualizations of their sleep timings like a map kind of visuals and also through hours as well.
Even you can set alerts for bedtime and for wake-up aswell. Sleep chart in your watch on every morning give you to analyze how much time your have slept in the past week.
Fitness App:
The Activity app has bee renamed with FitnessApp. Addition to watchOS 7 workout types is the inclusion of Dance, which tracks popular dance styles like Hip Hop, Latin & Bollywood and cardio-based dance. Using the accelermometer and gyroscope watchOS 7 can now detect the differences and combinatiosn of upper and lower body movements and combine this with heart rate.
You can monitor your activity, workouts, awards all in single page.
New Apple Maps:
With the new improvements on Apple Maps, now comes with directions just only for Cyclists. Cycling in Maps feature was added to support for bike-friendly cycling routes. Bike directions let riders gives only directions where bike lanes are there other than the road which are busy and difficult for riding.
Cycling routes can be mapped with or without stairs, and routes with starils let riders know when their bikes need to be picked up. Searching along a route is also now supported. So Map users can cadd needed stops and then get right back to their original directions.