WhatsApp Will No Longer Work on These iPhones & Android Devices. Check the Device Details

January 29, 2025 TOTOODO

WhatsApp Team has recently took a decision to stop supporting their services for some of the devices of iPhone & Android Devices. WhatsApp is the most downloaded application in the last decade. Almost all the users of Smartphone has an account with WhatsApp and it also published as the best messaging application that was owned by Facebook. WhatsApp is trying to give the best features to their users and enhancing their functionality. In this point of view they took a serious decision to stop supporting for Android & iPhone devices.

WhatsApp recently announced that they are facing some compatibility issue with the some devices that are running with out dated software. So, they took a decision to end support for devices that are running with outdates software. This is to give best chatting experience to their customers. This will be applicable from Jan. Both device owners of Android and iPhone need to check immediately of their running Operating System to continue the usage of WhatsApp Application on their devices.

By updating your devices Operating System to the latest version which is running out now you will be able to continue support with out any interruption. Almost all all the Smartphone devices are given auto update to the latest version of Operating System through the backend support. When you have latest version of software some bugs and some latest updates will automatically be available to the applications that are running in your current devices.

Check out the Devices that lose WhatsApp Access in 2021:

Android Devices That Lose WhatsApp Access:

Android Devices that are running on Android Version which is older than v4.0.3 will no longer have access to WhatsApp. There are some devices still running on the OS includes HTC Desire, Motorola Droid Razr, Samsung Galaxy S2, LG Optimus Black and other some. The users who are running with this version are recommended to upgrade immediately.

iPhone Devices That Lose WhatsApp Access:

iPhones older than iPhone 4 and iPhones running with older than iOS 8 and running iOS 8 will not run WhatsApp starting next year. You’ll need at least iOS 9 or later to continue using the social messaging app. If you’re wondering which devices they will be, the list includes iPhone 4S, iPhone 5, iPhone 5S, iPhone 5C, iPhone 6, iPhone 6S, iPhone 7 series, iPhone 8 series, iPhone X, iPhone XS series, iPhone XR, iPhone SE 2020, iPhone 11 series, and the latest iPhone 12 lineup.